A seminar on moral duties of youth towards their parents and awareness on drug abuse, held today at our college. Er. Balbir Singh, President of SENIOR CITIZEN WELFARE ASSOCIATION, Ludhiana, Dr. H.S. GOSAL, Principal and other well known personalties and member of association were present and addressed the students.
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Felicitation to our college students and their Contingent Incharges for their achievements in Zonal Youth & Heritage Festival, 2014. -Principal
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Felicitation to our college Volleyball team and Department of Physical Education for winning GOLD in Inter-College Championship.
Continue ReadingTree Plantation Drive
Tree Plantation Drive was organised by Er. Balbir Singh, Hon’ble Secy, Dr. H.S. Gosal, Principal, College Staff and Students with the help of ROTARY CLUB, LUDHIANA in our college campus. Our Motto “The BEST time to plant a tree was twenty years ago but the second best time is NOW”
Continue ReadingInter School Shooting Championship
An Inter School Championship to be organised by the Punjab Rifle Shooting Association at GOVIND NATIONAL COLLEGE NARANGWAL from August 23 to 25, 2013.
Continue ReadingAnnual Convocation
The college Annual Convocation will be held on 6th April,2013.
Continue ReadingResearch Centre in Phy. Edu.
Research Centre in Physical Education under Education faculty Panjab University, Chandigarh seats available-15. Those who are interested in doing Ph.D. and need of research course work can apply for registration.Contact No. 9463777123.
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This year our college over all chmpions in ‘B’ Division Women Tournament in Panjab University.
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Our College Runners Up in ‘B’ Division Men Tournament in Panjab University.
Continue ReadingBlood Donation Camp
College has been successfully organized the blood donation camp on 28jan. 2012.
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